Covariance rule for causality
Covariance rule for causality

They were instructed to put the CD in the computer, put on the headphones, and listen to the CD while trying to memorize the list of words. All participants were given the same list of 25 words to remember. The research assistant sat the participants in front of a computer screen and told them that a list of 25 words would be displayed on the screen. They were then escorted into a different room, where they were greeted by a research assistant who conducted the experiment. There were no identifying marks on the CD indicating what was contained on the disc. The CD contained a song selection or 5 minutes of silence. The participants were then given a CD to listen to based on their group assignment. If a participant drew a 7, 8, or 9, he or she was assigned to Group C. If the participant drew a 4, 5, or 6, he or she was assigned to Group B. If the participant drew a 1, 2, or 3, he or she was assigned to Group A. When a participant would come to her laboratory, she would greet the participant and then ask him or her to draw a card.

covariance rule for causality

One group (C) = listened to no music and instead was asked to sit quietly for 5 minutes (thought to make them feel neutral). One group (B) = listened to a 5-minute piece of music intended to make them feel sad (a song entitled "Alone Again").

covariance rule for causality

One group (A) = listened to a 5-minute piece of music intended to make them feel happy (a song entitled "Don't Worry, Be Happy"). She recruited 60 high school students and divided them into three groups. Lonsbary is a cognitive psychologist who is curious about how mood affects memory.

Covariance rule for causality